Fiberoptic Stylets
Lee AR, Yang S, Shin YH, et al. A comparison of the BURP and conventional and modified jaw thrust manoeuvres for orotracheal intubation using the Clarus Video System. Anaesthesia 2013;68:931-7.
- Falcetta S, Pecora L, Orsetti G, Gentili P, Rossi A, Gabbanelli V, Adrario E, Donati A, Pelaia P. The Bonfils fiberscope: a clinical evaluation of its learning curve and efficacy in difficult airway management. Minerva Anestesiol 2012;78:176-84.
- Mazères JE, Lefranc A, Cropet C, Steghens A, Bachmann P, Pérol O, Rosay H. Evaluation of the Bonfils intubating fibrescope for predicted difficult intubation in awake patients with ear, nose and throat cancer. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2011;28:646-50.